Tuesday, June 2, 2009

... and then there was none

the last fish died today. i still think it was new system instability - i added the fish too early. its odd that they lasted for 10 days tho, so there may be other factors.
ah well, im going to take the time to change my setup and do a water change and give it a week or 2 before adding in more fish.


  1. So how goes that adventure in aquaponics? I just started researching this and am looking to trying my hand at it.

  2. hi!
    well as you can see i have a minor setback but am still enthusiastic. am going to be picking up some tilapia this weekend or next, hopefully the system has stabilized. i am already planning on my next bigger system! stay tuned!
    please see the links on the right bar for some useful links.
